South India

Neelakurinji blooms again!

‘Neela’ in local jargon translates to the colour blue and ‘Kurinji’ to a flower. Neelakurinji is a bell shaped flower which blooms gregariously once in twelve years!  Yes, you read that right. The long wait of twelve years is finally over! The hills of Munnar will soon be burst into a sea of a …



On one fine day, I was at work when my phone started ringing. Trin Trin ✆  and I know that when Arpita calls me during the day it’s a call I need to answer! Arpita: “I’m Engaged”Me: “OMG! WOW, What is his name?  Where are you? Send me the pictures. I’m …


Nag Tibba

There and back again. And here am I planning yet another trek in the Himalayas but was not quite able to make it due to the scarcity of Time. Whereupon, the firm thought of a weekend trek gripped my mind and the next thing I recollect was registering for the …

Beach Religious Sea


The road journey from Bhuj to Dwarka was on cards for Day 4 of my Gujarat tour. Just be seated on the co-driver seat until I take my chances on what I saw that day. Speeding by, there were vast stretches of cotton fields and from a distance appeared like balls of …


Happy Women's Day

It’s International Women’s Day, a day to honor and celebrate the multifaceted achievements of women, from cultural to social to economic to artistic. It’s a day to remind ourselves why we are so special!  And what can be better than planning a trip to our favorite destination on this auspicious day? Don’t wait …


Rann of Kutch

By offering prayers to the Almighty and seeking Her blessings in Umiya Mata and Ashapura temple (known for fulfilling wishes), we kicked off our trip and then followed our memorable journey to the White Desert. The religious power of Gujarat is well captured in the news lately( election demands more …